It depends on your marketing strategy and your marketing budget as to how you’ll approach it, but every site can benefit from a landing page.
web design
Happy International Women’s day 2022!
A quick 'hi' on International Women's Day! Celebrating International Women's Day! By working (! ) on digital strategy for a small business here in Lanzarote and also web design for a writer in the UK. Keep an eye on the blogs for launch!
Signing up with reCAPTCHA
Setting up reCAPTCHA gives a level of spam protection to your site and your visitors.We are going to take a brief look at getting set up so you can use reCAPTCHA for your site, be that your contact forms, or CDN tools such as and Cloudflare. What will I...
Building a Website for a Small Business Using WordPress
We have broken down this how-to guide to building a website for a small business into non-expert, friendly steps.
New website launch for
We have recently had our very in-house project here at our own new website design, build, integrate, optimise and launch! Concept exists for small businesses to discuss and create their own digital presence. We offer a community of small...